2015 啟動覺肢

~認證艾揚格瑜珈教學 ~

2013年10月5日 星期六

Inspiring words by Glenn Ceresoli

2013年9月26-29,參與澳洲資深老師Glenn Ceresoli的四天研習課,這是第二次向Glenn老師學習的經驗,感激他引領我突破了目前自我練習上遇到的瓶頸,感動他在教學時對學生付出無限的真誠與關愛。

Photo from Glenn's website- Yoga Mind: http://www.yogamind.com.au/

As we go through all of the practice, we discover all these things. I might not be…..I could be.. I feel weak…I don’ feel strong…and…all these stuff are in the way. We cannot intimate asana and feel it when all these things are in the way. So in the end, the pure of yoga experience is to be one in the asana. It’s like a marriage, like a relationship, everything has to be worked out. When you have arguments, you have to resolve that. The asana is always there for you but we have to change, and then it becomes oneness, a pure experience and then we experience yoga. Until then, it’s just a preparation. And that preparation is a test. Because this experience of oneness is sacred, is a special thing. Unless you are prepared to go through all the effort, all the sacrifice, and hard work, you are not ready to experience it. It’s a part of the whole process of practice of yoga.
You cannot have something special just because you want it. We have to earn it. Because in the end, we are not just the one with the asana, it teaches us to be the one with ourselves. Once we experience that, this body, that body, no difference. I’m not only the one with me, I could be the one with her. This is how yoga fax whole humanity.



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