2015 啟動覺肢

~認證艾揚格瑜珈教學 ~

2013年11月16日 星期六


Light on life這本書中,Guruji提到他在教學上態度的展現,更讓我堅信堅持做對的事情的原則。瑜珈教學是一個可以影響人對其生活態度,對內外在自我提升的一件很有意義的工作。

以下分別摘自書的兩段章節內容 : 

Often people say that I have a temper because I will shout at people in class when I see they are putting themselves at risk or conversely not doing their best. For this reason people have said that I am a severe teacher. I am strict, but I am not harsh. I use my anger to free a student from his pattern. One student kept talking about his fear in Sirsasana, and I finally shouted, “Forget about fear. You may only fall on the floor, not go beyond. In the future there is fear. In the present there is no fear.”

The battle of yoga is with the body and with the ego. You must conquer your ego, or small self, so that you can let your soul, your big self, be victorious.
瑜珈的一場仗,是對抗身體與我執(ego),你必須要克服我執,這個小我(small self),才可以讓靈魂、大我(big self)得到勝利。

In teaching it is sometimes necessary for me to act the role of anger. I have to appear” mercilessly merciful” in order to save student from themselves. The anger response is appropriate. But I am not attached to the anger. The anger role does not disturb the bottom of the lake and create the pattern. As soon as I turn away from the student, I put down the anger. I am detached and ready to deal with the next student with friendliness or humor, or whatever is appropriate to his or her needs. I do not get caught up, yet I can engage fully in the comedy and tragedy of the human drama.
